Hiring a home remodeling company differs in many ways from other contracting services you may encounter as a homeowner. You are asking these people to enter your home for an extended period of time, and make numerous judgments that will affect how the house functions and its overall appearance. This is not a decision to be taken lightly, as any home remodeling company worth their salt understands. Read on to learn some important questions you should ask before they start the job.

  1. How long have you been working in the area? Ideally, you want to find home renovators who are familiar with the local, county, and state laws regarding building or adding onto a home. If a business is new to the area, that doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re not knowledgeable, but you may want to ask a few extra questions if this is the case. When working with a company that has been remodeling homes for decades, you can generally feel confident that they know what they’re doing when it comes to local codes and laws.
  2. Do you have a portfolio of your work available online? While a good business will have a physical dossier available for prospective clients to peruse, a company that makes their portfolio available online has an advantage. After all, wouldn’t you be more comfortable studying a designer’s past projects in your own home without the added pressure of being at a strange office?
  1. Do I have to pay for an initial consultation? Usually an initial consultation is free, while an initial estimate is not. It’s important to discuss what is and isn’t included in a session with any home remodeling company.

Of course, there are many more questions you can and should ask a home remodeling company before they start work inside your home. Many savvy customers write down their questions before placing the call, so they remember to ask for all the desired information without forgetting anything. If you choose Criner Remodeling, you can use our contact form to sort out all of your questions in one friendly email. Drop us a line today, and we will do our best to respond in a timely and considerate fashion.