What a Certified Aging in Place Specialist Can Do for Your Home

More and more people are hoping for permanence, especially as they age, but that’s not always possible with the homes they currently live in. While a house might be fine for a suburban family, it can have too many hazards for older inhabitants. As years pass, those...

Virginia Home Remodeling for the Chemically Sensitive

Virginia home remodeling projects aren’t just for people who want updated rooms or additions; they can be necessary to treat a real illness. In 2003, the Environmental Protection Agency defined a medical condition called MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivities) as a...

Homes of the Future: What’s Hot and What’s Not

Are you planning to move to a new home in the next few years? Thinking about renovating your current home so it’s more appealing to potential buyers when you do decide to move on? Or maybe you just want to change your space to follow the latest trends? Whatever your...

What to Look for When Hiring a Virginia Building Contractor

Like any American business, home renovations have become a competitive field, and a quick Google search for a Virginia building contractor will yield a thousand results. So many choices can overwhelm anyone, and stylish websites full of promises have the ability to...

May is National Home Remodeling Month

The Benefits of Hiring a Professional Remodeler As a homeowner you reap many benefits when hiring a professional remodeler for your home renovation. Experienced remodelers bring a multitude of skills and qualities to successfully execute a home remodeling project....