Why a Residential Addition Makes Sense

In the grand scheme of human history, retirement communities and nursing homes are a recent trend. Once they hit adulthood, kids left their parents’ homes for good, and once they aged, they went to live with their children. Throughout time, it was common practice to...

Small Kitchen Remodeling Innovative Ideas

In any kitchen, space is precious. Everyone who watches the Food Network knows how much chefs value counter space and stove tops, but regular homeowners have to navigate even smaller areas each time they cook a meal. Good remodeling plans will make a room feel more...

A Good Remodeling Specialist Knows How to Handle Lead

If you live in a house constructed before 1978, there’s a good chance it poses a health risk to you and your family. 1978 was only a few decades ago, and it marked the year that the Government finally banned the use of lead paint in homes. Evidence had been around for...

Choosing Your Home Remodeling Company

Choosing a home remodeling company is no easy matter, and we know that, which is why we urge you to look around and compare contractors before settling on one. Having said that, we want you to know that we stand apart from our competitors in many ways. Here are just...

6 Ideas for Bathroom Remodeling Plans

Sometimes, the hardest part of creating bathroom remodeling plans is knowing where to begin. One way to tackle that problem is to look at a list of popular renovations that others have chosen for their own homes. With that in mind, let’s consider some ideas to get...

What Does a Certified General Contractor Do?

If you’ve been doing your research on home remodeling, you’ve probably come across the phrase “certified general contractor” more than once. But what does it mean to be a certified general contractor, and more importantly, what do they do? Read on to find out more...